Soft Launching www.PaketEbookBisnis.com.....!!!
Akhirnya kembali online….Lama saya ngga online nih, selain sibuk mempersiapkan peluncuran situs www.paketebookbisnis.com. Saya juga lagi disibukkan dengan kehadiran putra saya yang kedua yang telah lahir tepatnya pada hari minggu, 22 Maret 2009 yang lalu, ya…jadi vakum untuk sementara selama waktu-waktu sibuk mengurus hadirnya sikecil dan juga mempersiapkan situs paketebookbisnis.com ini.Untuk
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Zimmermann kills me!!

I want this Zimmermann dress soo bad! But its $1100!! eekkk, i think i will be dreaming and wishing for a long time for this baby!!
First Pic: Tallulah Morton- RUSHH
Second Pic: Zimmerman witches chain panel dress- $1,100
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LMFF-Yen runway

A little late with the posting of pics..sorry!
Loreal Melbourne Fashion Week was held last week at the Docklands in Melbourne. Doutzen Kroes was the ambassedor for the event but unfortuantly i missed her on the Monday night :(.
Sorry these photos are really bad, my usual camera is broken, plus the lighting was terrible inside for the picture opportunities.
My sister, a friend an i attended the event for the YEN MAGAZINE runway. Before the show we went throught the L'Oreal Beauty room got made up, some free goodies and then went to the show!
It was amazing, my favourite was Friedrich Grey and Therese Rawsthorne!!
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