"Fashion can be a great way to present yourself to the world,” she concludes. “I’ve always been interested in what makes clothes special and what they say about a character. And I enjoy that lightness that fashion has. It’s completely beyond clothes, and more like art: I did a shoot in a Chanel couture wedding dress, and I felt like I was in a painting! With fashion, you have to keep a spirit that’s yours, rather than just go wherever you’re told. You can’t lose your freedom. It’s like everything I do: I’m always just trying to be curious.”
I totally agree with her! And i wish alot of other people shared the same view on fashion or atleast respected my views and many of yours on fashion/style.
I hate when people stereotype you into a fashion/label queen when really beneath it all is the designs, the artistic presence created by the designer, the fabrics, the way you feel in the pieces etc that we are interested in. Its completely beyond the point where i boast about having the latest chanel sweater or LV bag. Hopefully you agree with myself and Clemence?
Pics: Clemence Poesy- La Nouvelle Vague-Blackbook
I totally agree with her! And i wish alot of other people shared the same view on fashion or atleast respected my views and many of yours on fashion/style.
I hate when people stereotype you into a fashion/label queen when really beneath it all is the designs, the artistic presence created by the designer, the fabrics, the way you feel in the pieces etc that we are interested in. Its completely beyond the point where i boast about having the latest chanel sweater or LV bag. Hopefully you agree with myself and Clemence?
Pics: Clemence Poesy- La Nouvelle Vague-Blackbook